Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BAA Are Not Very Good: Sheep Vindicated

OK, the fact that BAA have been criticised by the Competition Commission for relentlessly poor service (as if we had been "stuck in a time warp for the past two decades”) and that they may be forced to sell a few airports, does not vindicate all sheep in every country worldwide. See title link.

Nor, really, does it even vindicate the old sheep website that ran from www.baa.com (an out of date and unmaintained version is still available at www.baa.net).

It might give my old client Tom Bourke and his co-defendant Michael Lawrie a bit of a laugh, though.

Spot the difference:

An Airport

A Sheep

Try this summary of BAA's case: Shafting Sheep

There are other reports. Try entering "baa" and "bourke" into a search engine.

I swear I do not make a habbit of representing sheep.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Coming Soon: Website Update

Really, really, really. By the end of August the main site will be revamped. Oh well, I am good at making promises!