Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Driving Licence, the DVLA and Diabetes

The good people at DVLA (the Driver Vehicle Licencing Authority in the UK) have revoked my driving licence following a minor road accident.

This is because I am a diabetic.

I should add that the police confirmed verbally on the day they would be taking no further action and subsequently confirmed this in writing. That is, not even the most minor road traffic offence (probably, driving without due care and intention - I am a civil litigator not a criminal lawyer) was to be brought, nor was I to be warned or cautioned.

The form I filled in for DVLA asked for details of my consultant and my General Practitioner. I (I think, reasonably) assumed that this meant that they would consult them before reaching a decision.

They did not. This was confirmed when I asked if they had received my fax enclosing a diabetic unit medical opinion following the accident. Apparently, it takes up to 72 hours for a fax to register on the system. It can take up to 15 days for an ordinary letter to register on the system.

They have twelve doctors and "thousands" of medical applications to deal with.

The letter informed me that I could appeal to the Magistrate's Court (months of delay) but, over the telephone, I was told that I could apply for a review.

This, I have done. I will post the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steven

I have just received a letter from the DVLA revoking my licence with effect from next Wednesday (14 May). This followed a minor RTA in January (no other drivers involved). I'm devastated as I rely on my vehicle for my job.

Did you get any resolution with your situation?