Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thai Boxing And Child Abuse: Mum says "It Don't Bother Me."

OK, there are limits to any parent's freedom. That kicks in when you expose your children to harm.

The parents who allow their children to participate in Thai kick boxing are simply the lowest members of our growing underclass.

They are stupid. They have no morality worth speaking of.

The fact that their children have been coached into expressing pleasure in this "sport" means nothing other than that it exemplifies the psychological abuse accompanying the physical abuse.

Where are social services when they are really needed?

1 comment:

SamMuayThai12 said...

well your an idiot!

I train in Muay thai and we have 2 lads who are 14 here , each one of them has gained so much confidence , even just verbally , they speak more , they are not afraid to talk to people , they have also stopped getting beaten up in school , not because we teach them how to break bones or take a punch or self defence but because they have become disciplined and understand the need to walk away from any situation and not see it as being a coward , these kids have improved flexibility, people are not made of glass , they are looked after , our trainer who is a muay thai champion and a boxing champion has a child who is training and is only 7 , that kid loves to kick bags , and we don't put that kid in for fights , he just practices technique, its just as bad as putting your kid in for football where they will get tackled or gymnastics where they will have to do grueling PNF Stretches, children arn't as weak as you think , if they are coming home from the gym with bruises every week , they shouldnt be going to that gym , they are bad trainers , not a bad sport.