The title link goes to a Times report. This, possibly, indicates that this is not a hoax. It has all the hallmarks of one, however.
Alright, I am an insensitive aninmal hating bastard but what on earth, in the scale of things, does it matter that there is a serial rabbit killer on the loose? There are only so many rabbits one person can kill and there are a lot too many rabbits out there.
Ok, if you kill my cat I will find you and exact serious vengeance upon you but rabbits? Cats have intelligence and individual personalities. Not like, say, dogs.
Dogs are obedient to humans. That shows serious intellectual deficiency. Most humans who own dogs are a bit intellectually challenged themselves. They crave unconditional love. They seek it from someone stupider and more needy than themselves i.e. a dog. Actualy, the dogs are a bit cleverer than their owners.
The solution is obvious: the key suspect should be the masked rabbit and I have placed his image above.
His motive is also obvious: the rabbit community needs to raise its profile and gain sympathy ahead of cats and dogs.
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