Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Futility of Blogging

There is a blog headed "Blogging is Futile." Click on the title.

Now I knew this anyway but it was really brought home to me some months ago when I checked my weblogs and found that my most frequent visitor for a while was some nutty scientologist. (NB: All scientologist's are "nutty" by definition.) I had mentioned the word scientology in an unflattering context. When you do that, one of these barking mad people seems to get assigned to monitor your blog. Anyway, he or she gave up after a while. No doubt this was because this is a wholly insignificant blog that generates no traffic whatsoever.

So, in a major circulation drive, I just thought I would mention the word scientology again and say something mean. That way I may get a monitor assigned to me again and generate a few hits.

I might also mention that a Belgian prosecutor has expressed the view that the scientology church thingy is a criminal organization. A bit like the mafia I suppose but more scary. At least the mafia admit that they are bad nasty people only in it for money and power.

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