Ken Russell's ex-wife lost her claim for a bigger share of her mother's lesbian partner's estate before Mr Justice Lewison who found her an "unconvincing" witness and part of the stance she took "distasteful".
It is pretty clear from the case that that Hetty Baynes was a serial sponger so far as Mary Spencer Watson was concerned and some of her tactics not necessarily denoting the highest integrity. For instance:
"On 13th December 2005 Hetty went to see Mary at Dunshay Manor, at the suggestion of a friend, in order to encourage Mary to take responsibility for Hetty as a parent would. Having heard the evidence of Hetty and her friend, Lewison J had no doubt that Hetty tried to persuade Mary to change her will and "did so in forceful terms".
"By now Hetty had realised that her application for a large lump sum from Ken Russell would not succeed. She confronted Mary about her relationship with Margot, and Mary admitted that their relationship had been an intimate one. All the witnesses agreed that Mary was a very private person, who had never previously acknowledged her relationship with Margot; and to do so at this juncture must have been very difficult for her. Hetty herself said that Mary confessed to guilt and shame about the relationship. In her oral evidence, however, Hetty said that it was not her purpose to use the meeting to get Mary to pay her bills. It was, as she put it, about the "bigger picture"; although the canvas of the bigger picture seemed to be filled by her and Rex, and in particular her financial problems. What she wanted was for Mary to make her and Rex secure, by clearing her debts, buying her somewhere to live and giving them a solid base. She said to Mary that without anything coming from Ken she would be bankrupt and homeless; and asked Mary whether she would be happy with that. Without Mary's help, she said, they would not survive. These statements must have put considerable pressure on Mary and in my judgment they were designed to do so."I wonder if Sears Tooth took this one on no-win-no-fee basis? If they did, then it is surprising that they did not appreciate how their client was going to come across.
If not, Ms Baynes must really be on her uppers now. I doubt, however, if anyone who reads the case (see title link) is going to feel much sympathy for her.
You are a sad prick - what's it to you, Moby Dick?
Someone has used my name to post a comment, without my knowledge or consent. Could I ask you to remove it please
Been busy and not accessing my blog.
Now, however, my client's case against Moet has been adjourned so I will try to find time to respond to Anonymous and Chris Keil tomorrow.
I deeply regret the appearance of these comments on your blog, but as they have the capacity to cause a good deal of harm to a number of people, I would ask you to delete them.
As there is no e-mail address to send you a discreet communication - I'm having to post it here on your site:
What you have written is very distressing and unprofessional and an outright defamation of character towards someone who has done nothing to deserve your venom.
I'm kindly asking you to remove them and request that you refrain from passing judgment on people or cases you know nothing about.
If this is truly a blog about legal matters - where are all the OTHER legal matters you are supposed to be 'commenting' on???? Funny isn't it that it is just this case you mention... Seems to me that you are acting on someone's behalf - sour grapes to say the least!
You do not need to be reminded what the consequences of libel are... Do you?
It has been 2 weeks since my post requesting you remove your comments on Ms. Baynes' court case and there has been no reply from you or retraction of the contents of this blog.
Therefore, I'm writing to formally request that you remove the contents within the next 7 days. If you fail to do so, further action will be taken against you by Ms. Baynes' legal representatives.
I strongly advise you to remove these comments on humanitarian grounds as well as legal ones. I have known Hetty Baynes for many years and know the inside of this case very well. There was a case for the courts to deal with and with all due respect I feel the wrong decision was reached. This isn't the point. Your offensive remarks have caused the deepest personal distress and are of no possible help to anyone as they crawl over the most private of family matters. I am happy to provide personal references for Hetty Baynes in the most glowing terms to anyone who asks. Contact me on
Hi Steven
My name is James Dean, and I'm your new best friend. I came across your blog while looking for something else, but you're perfect! Your combination of smug and needy is perfection! I'm going to follow every move you make. You will never be alone again!
BTW, what is it with you and Hetty Baynes? Did she turn you down some time? Little case of hurt pride?
Oh, and the novel-writing ambition - fab! - you couldn't make it up! xx
Hi Steven
My name is James Dean, and I'm your new best friend. I came across your blog while looking for something else, but you're perfect! Your combination of smug and needy is perfection! I'm going to follow every move you make. You will never be alone again!
BTW, what is it with you and Hetty Baynes? Did she turn you down some time? Little case of hurt pride?
Oh, and the novel-writing ambition - fab! - you couldn't make it up! xx
Please remove all references to Hetty Baynes by the end of this month. If this travesty of the truth remains available in any form on the internet I will make a formal complaint on her behalf to The Law Society. I will also contact lawyers on her behalf to take whatever action they feel is appropriate. For the avoidance of doubt this will take place on 1 December 2009 if you persist with this site.
Miss Baynes was renting my parents house whilst this case was ongoing. I can confirm that she trashed the house and did not pay rent for months. A serial sponger is a correct statement! I hope she gets whats she deserves - NOTHING!
You are a very smart person!
Betty's friends didn't succeed in silencing you! Well done for publishing the truth about that dreadful woman. The judge made the right decision and now that Ken Russell has passed away I hope she sees not one penny from his estate.
Long time. No legal action.
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