Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to Vape

You are no longer an idiot. You saved yourself a bit of money by not buying fraudster Alan Carr's book and just read my post instead. You also saved a heap of time. I challenge anyone to read Alan Carr's book in less than five hours. Even speed reading will not help you. It is so dumb abd boring. The early chapters simply, and only, keep telling you that he has this marvelous secret that will allow you to stop smokingg. My blog yesterday was less than 100 words and you did not pay a single cent to read it.

When you start vaping, you are likely to continue smoking habits. Ok, this may be obvious. I have been vaping for exactly 12 days. I have no rigtht to express any opinion whatsoeveer but


This has to be learned. I can only do it when I think about it. If you think about it, however, it is not smoke, it does not contain tar or other nasty stuff, BUT it does contain nicotine. When you exhale you are therefore wasting nicotine. When you were a a smoker you were exhaling poison. Now, draw in and close your lips until the steam evaporates. It is obvious. More nicotine for your pennies without any extra damage.

1 comment:

Steven Carrigan said...

Ok, rule 1 is impossible. It is still a good rule. It is a Perky Pat rule.