Monday, January 12, 2015

Subscribe to Charlie Hebdo Or Just Buy the Next Issue

here We must make this a sell out. 1 million copies. Pah! They have underestimated.

Friday, January 09, 2015

The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Proves All Religion Is Evil

I had very much lost interest in this blog. I have been developing the worthing skeptics website instead and also maintaining its twitter account. The Charlie Hebdo massacre changed everything. If I had met the Charlie guys in the pub I know I would have liked them. Their murderers are now without challenge the most hated people on this planet. I know that they did not kill as many people as Hitler etc. But their most hated status is deserved. Hitler is dead. Others who share their faith leap to disassociate themselves and claim that theirs is a god of peace. This is a lie. It is no less a lie when christians and jews say it. All of their holy books are founded on hatred of others and the absolute necessity of inflicting genocide on those others. Other religions have learned to take cover. They work from within and do not murder people. The simple fact remains: ALL RELIGION IS EVIL.