Friday, June 06, 2008

Eshaq Khan: The Mad Khan And The Inept Electoral Rigging

This is old news but the case has only recently surfaced on BAILII.

The judgment is a lot of fun, however, and really worth a visit. See the title link.Eshaq Khan is very possibly the most stupid vote rigger in history.

When he was found out in an obvious scam which was bound to be exposed in court, what did he do?

Put his hands up and beg for mercy? Not a bit of it.

He lied.

He claimed that lots of people lived at a small flat uccupied entirely by someone else and their family. He claimed that 16 of his voters lived at a boarded up property. He presented to the court bogus tenancy agreements.

Then he encouraged other members of his gang (mainly family members) to perjure themselves with lies so hilarious and incapable of belief that the judge was wholly bemused that the matter had ever come before him.

It is safe to say that Eshaq Khan is (a) very stupid and (b) a criminal,

The full judgment makes entertaining reading. That cannot be said of every judgment I report but this one I leave you to read for yourself. You will enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

For u to be such a GREAT Solicitor
it shows how much time and effort it took u to spend on such precious time of urs to create a blog page for Mr Eshaq Khan, so whos the real stupid and mad man?.... And ur pic must be the mad solicitor... Just Sumink to think about!!!

Nicky Walsh

Anonymous said...

I was reading this blog, found it quite amusing Steven Carrigan had come up with such a profound way of addressing his severness on the matter, juvenile to say the least. Sentence given to Mr Eshaq Khan was not necessary, my son was killed by a drunk driver, who recieved 18 months, this is the Justice system we are dealing with in the UK. Its preposterous.

David Callum