Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Grayling: Messiah to Dawkins's John the Baptist?

I bring The Good News. Professor Grayling's The God Argument:The Case Against Religion and for Humanism is better than The God Delusion. I write as a Dawkins fan but this is calmer, more philosophical (as one might expect), and might appeal to other sections of the audience. Underlying the calmness is, however, a ruthless logic and rationality - you will even understand the difference between those two descriptors when you have read part one.

This is not a review but a preliminary impression because I only downloaded the book very recently and am only just about to read part two. Part two embarks on different territory to that covered by Dawkins; if I attempt a review it will be after I have read that.

I have read various responses to Dawkins, most recently The Dawkins Delusion by McGrath (whose delusional self-belief manifests itself, and whose disreputable rhetorical devices manifest themselves, on virtually every page). Professor Grayling's less fire and brimstone approach may render him less susceptible to such pathetic attempts at refutation but, in the end, our religionist bretheren will find his text no more consoling; and no less contemptuous of their incapacity for rational thought.


Anonymous said...

What bilious rubbish. I read the Daily Mail so I know about these things.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. I read the Daily Telegraph and I know about these things. I am literate and went to University whereas you probably only went to a uni and studied sports science. I read History.

Anonymous said...

No, I am literate. I went up to Oxford and read PPE. I now rule both of you. So you oiks and plebs just believe in god so that a happy balance may be maintained. Do as I say. And, by the way, the only thing to read is the FT; but it is not for the likes of you.